Our History
After incorporation in 1985, the members collected donations, met regularly to discuss the need for a museum and interviewed long-time residents to capture their personal histories of the area. They also worked on publishing books about the history of the Sebastian Area. In 1990, they published Tales of Sebastian, in 1992 More Tales of Sebastian was published, later followed by Even More Tales of Sebastian in 2011.
By 1998, a museum was the primary goal of the society. The building on US Hwy 1 and 700 Main Street, which housed the Sebastian Area County Library from 1983-1998, was the perfect choice as the library was moving to its new location on CR 512. The historical society moved in and shared the space with the Chamber of Commerce, which currently operates out of that location.
As our collection grew, the Society knew that a larger location was needed. Then, in 2004, hurricanes Frances and Jeanne blew through the Sebastian area and damaged the museum and some of our collection. Damages where prevalent throughout the Sebastian community and caused the museum to be closed until 2007.
The renovations to the 1927 Old Sebastian Historic Elementary School were moving forward and it was the perfect location for the historical museum. There was a concerted effort by the citizens of Sebastian and the surrounding area to move the artifacts to the new location. The caravan of privately-owned vehicles continued to move from early morning to late in the afternoon until every last item was in place at the new location. On November 27, 2007, the grand opening of the new museum was held and we continue at that location today.

Sebastian Area Historical Society, Inc.
Give us a call today (772) 581-1380